Tuesday, July 18, 2006

My Friends are Amazing

Wow. Only a month of summer left and this will be my second blog post. This isn't looking so good.

I am truly blessed. For the last three weekends I've been able to hang out with friends from my undergraduate years. God is good, they came right when I needed them, right when I needed Godly men to talk with. I have friends here in Pullman, but none of them can compare to my friends from back home.

Josh came out an visited me the weekend of the Fourth. I sent out a plea to my Seattle friends for visitors and he was the only one who said "Are you sure you'll be able to put up with me for a whole weekend?" Maybe those weren't his exact words, but you get the idea.

Next came Tim. Now truthfully he didn't come to Pullman to see me; his sister (younger this time) was getting married and being a good brother (or bother) he came to see her get hitched. In spite of all the wedding preparation, Tim found time to hang out. He's a great guy and showed up just in time to get me through another emotional slump. And the wedding was beautiful, the second Marston wedding of the year. I know he must be sick of hearing this, oh well. Now that Tim's sisters have been married off, now it's Tim's turn. No pressure dude.

Now for the big surprise of July, Jon Bay visited me last weekend. He said he would when I sent out my plea at the end of June, but I figured something would come up and he wouldn't make it. But friends follow through. He sent me an email last week, saying something along the lines of "so, umm, you going to send me directions to your place?" I was floored. And excited.

So its been a good month. Got to hang out with some amazing friends, finished an experiment (hopefully another post with pictures will come soon) and generally felt better about my life. Hopefully I'll be able to survive another month of summer and be ready for classes to start in mid-August.

As a teaser of what may come in a future post, two pictures of my summer.

Fun in the Snake River:

Green Lasers Make Everything Better:

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