Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Shot Glass

Ha! You thought this post would be about alcoholic beverages or maybe even the glasses they are poured into. Think again.

Just about two hours ago I fired a shot that I had be working on for the past week. My experiment consisted of some pieces of soda-lime glass (cheap glass) that I put under pressure (3.0 GPa) to see how the index of refraction changed. The pressure was generated by shooting one piece of glass at 420 m/s (almost 1000 mph for you non-scientists) into a glass target. Get it? I shot some glass. Man, I crack myself up.

Anyway, this was the first experiment I did mostly by myself and everything worked! I got good data, the index of refraction I calculated makes sense and all looks to be well. I'm hoping to get another shot off before classes start and unless something goes terribly wrong with my next shot, I think I can make it.

If I feel motivated I'll post some before and after pictures of my experiment, but for now I will whet your hunger with this: Pictures of the 2.5 inch bore gas gun which I fired a shot on two weeks ago. If you look carefully, you can see my target in the second picture.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, this r0x0rs. Your apparatus looks cooler than mine. Plus it's a gun of sorts. I hope the tomatoes tasted good. Oh, they got cool looking fireflies over here, right now. Have you ever seen a real life firefly? They are amazing
